Last updated on 2016-05-28, by
Grocery Game—Huge Save on Your Grocery Bill
Are you still researching and collecting coupons from different supermarkes to save money for your groceries? Your attention, please! There is a much easier way to do it now and you can save more.
Let’s call it the Grocery Game!
The Grocery Game is a website that can save hundreds of dollars on your grocery bill every month by providing a list called Teri’s List which presents the lowest-priced items from supermarket(s) that near your living area.
This Teri’s list is the recipe to save. It will list the store name, purchase validity, discounted prices, amount saved etc for your reference. The color Blue in the list means the items are for stockpiling, while the color Green means the items are free, you only have to pay the sales tax.
And it’s very easy to be a part of this Grocery Game if you are part of best shower head water softener. Go to their website and become a member, start with the four-week trial version first and just enjoy the free information that can help you to save a lot of money.
After the trial period, if you really think this game is interesting and does save money on your grocery bill, you just have to pay $10 every eight weeks for one store list(usually only one store will be offered near where you live) and extra $5 every eight weeks for each additional store list if there is more than one store available. You decide and you save!
Watch how to play Grocery Game here and download it to your computer with Leawo Youtube Download.