PlayerDIY Web Player Version History
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.4.0.6(Apr, 14th, 2010)
1. Optimized program slowdown when using Ext Playlist Plugin.
2. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.4.0.5(Mar, 26th, 2010)
1. Reclassify the skin style and many new looks were added under "Novelty" category.
2. Program optimization.
3. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.4.0.0(Mar, 4th, 2010)
1. Begin to support irregular controlbar with more versatile styles which can perfectly overlap on the current video for aesthetic view.
2. Enhanced support to PlayerDIY existing and upcoming "web-based" plugins.
3. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.3.0.3(Jan, 22nd, 2010)
1. Auto capture video thumbnails for those videos imported from the latestYouTube Video Plugin and other upcoming plugins, and even for videos with the same caption respectively.
2. Publish the generated index.html to customer’s local site with visible player preview. Visualizes the flash video player customization and makes revision the easiest ever.
3. Optimize “Advertise” interface to ensure a better ad design environment and remove all the hassles on ad edit area when switching videos.
4. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.3.0.2 (Jan, 08th, 2010)
1. Optimize the plugin parameter setting drop-down list to ensure the validity of every parameter backfill data.
2. Easy access to one of the freshly-released plugins called PlayerDIY Ext Playlist Plugin which can create personalized external playlists with a wide range of layout and style for the customized web player on webpage.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.3.0.0(Dec, 15th, 2009)
1. Release PlayerDIY JavaScript API.
2. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.2.0.0(Nov, 19th, 2009)
1. Display all the registered domain names in publication list for future identification and convenient publication for customers who have already purchased license/domains of PlayerDIY Web Player.
2. Embed player successfully in any website, blog or forum by retainning the parameters right and unchanged.
3. Ensure a smooth transmit of existing parameters between global plugin and codebase when a Disable command is executed to certain plugins.
4. Preview player effect anytime during the customizing process in full-screen mode.
5. Support to identify the special characters used in filename and makes it easier to type unfrequent characters too when renaming the video file.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.1.1.5(Oct, 22nd, 2009)
1. Ensure the synchronization of plugin-delete action both in project file and the player itself.
2. Enable to keep the complete plugin parameter for reference even a plugin-disable command is executed.
3. Download successfully the recommended add-ons listed in “Add-ons” menu.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.1.1.0(Oct, 14th, 2009)
1. Maintain the global plugin version the up to date one when designing.
2. Keep the global plugin parameters from missing when free version and official version coexist.
3. Execute plugin Disable command successfully.
4. Enable to keep the valid parameter backfill of plugin parameter setting drop-down list.
PlayerDIY Web Player
V2.0.1.15(Jul, 13th, 2009)
1. Enable to capture thumbnails for those videos both from local computer and internet (like streaming video, live streaming video, SMIL presentation).
2. More effort are dedicated to prevent program crash and ensure a full and smooth control including to navigate backward and forward, pause, play and stop.
3. Resume the function of “Stop” button on one of the player skins named “cnboo”.
PlayerDIY Web Player V2.0(May, 19th, 2009)
1. Accept addons to extend its capabilities.
2. Support the playback of streaming videos, live videos and SMIL presentation.
3. Add more powerful functions on advertising and watermark.
4. Free trial version is officially available.
PlayerDIY Web Player V1.7(Nov, 19th, 2008))
1. Enable to place watermarks on flash video.
2. Add “Stop ad” button on watermark settings interface for easier ad and watermark set up.
3. Add “Auto choose next” option for consecutive playback.
4. Optimized operation interfaces.
5. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player V1.6(Sep, 17th, 2008)
1. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player
V1.5(Aug, 18th, 2008)
1. Enable to add flash video, image and SWF files both from local computer and URL as advertisement and with abundant ad settings.
2. Provide more professionally-designed templates for flash video player and preloader.
3. Add more personalized settings and optimize the operation interface.
PlayerDIY Web Player V1.4(Jun, 30th, 2008)
1. Save the captured video thumbnails in the newly-added GIF and PNG format.
2. Integrate Free PlayerDIY Video4Web Converter into the programm for converting other video formats to flash video formats.
3. Choose “Preloader” won’t affect other selections of flash player profile.
PlayerDIY Web Player V1.3(Jun, 20th, 2008)
1. Add more options of displaying video list.
2. Bug-fixings.
PlayerDIY Web Player
V1.2(May, 23rd, 2008)
1. Add both online and local SWF file(Actionscript3 SWF is also supported) to “User define area”.
2. Enable to play the flash video which is linked by URL under “Out File” publish option.
3. Enable to locate the flash video in the centre when the value of “User define area” is “None”.
4. Optimized operation interfaces.
5. Float preview window is able to auto close when switching to other interfaces.
6. Auto stop the current flash video playing when switching between different interfaces.
PlayerDIY Web Player V1.1(May, 16th, 2008)
1. Unlimit the length of file path when dragging to project file.
2. Enable to drag video list frame.
3. Separate templates style code from interface and the registered customers can obtain source skin file for free.
4. Add “More Style” option in “Style” tab on “Template” interface.
5. Enable to hide playlist.
6. Modify the option of “Navigation at end” on “Media” interface.
7. Add “None” option to “User define area” to remove the embedding information.
PlayerDIY Web Player
V1.0(Apr, 28th, 2008)
1. Create and customize personalized flash video player for web.
2. Edit player settings both from programm and the generated HTML file.
3. Provide diverse player modes, styles and templates to choose.
4. Support to play single/multiple FLV, H.264 coded MP4, MOV, 3GP, 3G2 files.
5. Auto-capture video thumbnail for playlist presentation.

- Set control-bar color to match website
- Set background color of player
- Set the position of control bar
- Customize Preloader button
- Hide control bar automatically
- Remove the "Embed & URL" Area
- Hide mouse automatically
- Hide playing time
- Hide playlist icon
- Hide previous and next icons
- Hide playing process bar
- Customize right-click menu