Link to a specific video for playing in a new page
You might have found that many video sharing sites like YouTube have the capability of making visitors playing a specific video into a new page, and this capability makes the large number of videos in better order. And if you want to build a video sharing site like YouTube, you have to achieve this functionality on it.
Below is the detailed tutorial to introduce how to make the flash video player generated by PlayerDIY Web Player gets the capability of playing a video in a new page on your video sharing site. This tutorial assumes you are building your site with PHP programming language, and it will cover two ways to achieve, one implements with a playlist file, and other one implements without playlist file.
1. Implement with a playlist file:medialist item 1
medialist item 2
medialist item 3
Please click the above quick links and play attention to the red texts on the right page
The red words “playItem*0*I” is the actual video file. When “playerOpts=playItem*0*I”, it means the player is playing the first video in playlist. By analogy, when “playerOpts=playItem*1*I”, it means the player is playing the second video.
2. Implement with no playlsit file:
Web Player.flv
swf to video.flv
Please click the above quick links and play attention to the red texts on the right page
The red words “^../../videos/Web Player.flv^../../videos/Web Player.jpg*s” means the player is playing the video named “Web Player.flv” and its thumbnail is “Web Player.jpg” and, the video and its thumbnail reside in a folder named “videos”.
You could click here to download the original PHP and HTML codes about the above examples for studying.
- Tutorials
- Customize a web FLV Player in the easiest way
- Edit the template of player skin
- Play a specific video in a new page
- Customize video banner onto webpage
- Make your custome player skin work in PlayerDIY Web Player
- Edit flash video player with HTML
- Add flash videos onto WordPress
- Add multiple flash video players onto a webpage
- How to Make FLV Player with Flash Professional 8?
- Use multiple playlists with one FLV player?