Edit playlist with xml
Playlist file is very import for many player users, especially for the web designers who have abundance of videos on their website. Because
1. It makes videos in better order (e.g.: the related videos list);
2. Work with web programming language like PHP, no matter how many videos in it can be played on website. Have a look at the example: Play video in new page;
3. You can add, delete or modify video features in web FLV player with it.
The following example will show you how to modify playlist file to meet your needs.
In this example, I input 2 videos (Web Player.flv and swf to video.flv) in order into PlayerDIY Web Player. Then I got a web player like below. Please pay attention to the name of the videos in the playlist.
And the auto-generated playlist xml file like below
<playitem caption="Web Player" path="Web%20Player.flv" image="Web%20Player.jpg" options="" clickurl="" clicktarget="_blank" endurl="" styleoftarget="browser" endtarget=""/>
<playitem caption="swf to video" path="swf%20to%20video.flv" image="swf%20to%20video.jpg" options="" clickurl="" clicktarget="_blank" endurl="" styleoftarget="browser" endtarget=""/>
In order to make the playlist more meet my needs, I changed their order and the caption value of the two videos, and added a new video ppt2dvd.flv which caption value is ppt2dvd. The edited playlist file like below.
<playitem caption="swf to video" path="swf%20to%20video.flv" image="swf%20to%20video.jpg" options="" clickurl="" clicktarget="_blank" endurl="" styleoftarget="browser" endtarget=""/>
<playitem caption="Web Player" path="Web%20Player.flv" image="Web%20Player.jpg" options="" clickurl="" clicktarget="_blank" endurl="" styleoftarget="browser" endtarget=""/>
<playitem caption="ppt2dvd" path="ppt2dvd.flv" image="ppt2dvd.jpg" clickurl="" clicktarget="_blank" endurl="" styleoftarget="browser" endtarget="" options=""/>
The demo with the above edited playlist (Please pay attention to the name and the order of the videos in the playlist):
Interpretations of terms
caption: Video name. It will show in the playlist.
path: The path of video. It can be a relative path or an absolute path.
image: A picture of a video. It will show in the playlist and show on the screen before the video playing.
Clickurl: Where it will lead to when click the video.
Clicktarget: The target of the “Clickurl”. The options include _blank, _parent, _self and _top.
Enurl: Where it will lead to when the video playing is finished.
Styleoftarget: The target of the “Styleoftarget”. The options include browser, swf and flv.
Endtarget: In which browser the “endurl” will be opened.

- Set control-bar color to match website
- Set background color of player
- Set the position of control bar
- Customize Preloader button
- Hide control bar automatically
- Remove the "Embed & URL" Area
- Hide mouse automatically
- Hide playing time
- Hide playlist icon
- Hide previous and next icons
- Hide playing process bar
- Customize right-click menu