Show playlist at different time
When you have multiple videos in a web player for playing, you might want to display a list of them at some time or all the time.
The demo which shows playlist at the first frame and the last frame. You might try clicking the playlist button to hide or show playlist.
The demo which always shows the playlist. And you could hide or show the playlist randomly by clicking the playlist icon.
Below examples will show you how to configure the playlist showed at different time by PlayerDIY Web Player and by flashvars code.
- PlayerDIY Web Player
- Flashvars Code
Whether the playlist will show or not, and at what time it will show can be configured on the following interface of PlayerDIY Web Player.
To make the playlist shown, the value of “Video list style” must be “black” or “slider”.
“Show list at first” -- Show the playlist before the video starts playing
“Show list when playing” – Show the playlist when the video being played
“Show list at last” – Show the playlist after the video playing is finished
“Hide playlist button” – Hide the playlist button on control bar. If this option is not checked, the playlist button can be clicked to show and hide playlist, otherwise, the playlist button and playlist would be hidden.
To implement the first demo above with flashvars code, the embed code will be as below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<div id="flashcontent" align="center"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject('mwplayer.swf','player','500','450','9');
The line of the red code is the flashvars code for setting to show playlist at the first frame and the last frame. if playerOpts=ShowListAtFirst*true*b||ShowListAtMidst*true*b||ShowListAtLast*true*b, the player will show playlist all the time. Get more information about flashvars code.

- Set control-bar color to match website
- Set background color of player
- Set the position of control bar
- Customize Preloader button
- Hide control bar automatically
- Remove the "Embed & URL" Area
- Hide mouse automatically
- Hide playing time
- Hide playlist icon
- Hide previous and next icons
- Hide playing process bar
- Customize right-click menu